Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Tough (Question) Tuesday Whats your definition of success

Tough (Question) Tuesday Whats your definition of success Success Watercolor by Stephanie Corfee In answer to the above question: You (thats who)! I loved loved loved the conversation about passion that sparked from last weeks Tough (Question) Tuesday, it made my mind wander over from the word passion (whether or not you believe in it, what it consists of, if its a loaded word, what it means to you personally) over to the word success, just hafta ask: Whats your definition of success? Ill join ya over in the comments section with my own answer. This is gonna be good! ************************************************************************************************************** Im thisclose to offering a slew of new Services as well as raising my rates. I kid you not. If you want the goods at my current prices, then make sure you contact me let me know ASAP, or book your consultation call super ASAP to see if you want in on my (cheap) awesomeness. Get Danielle LaPorte’s Nuggets of Genius in your own home, on your own time.   The Digital Firestarter Sessions from my “cult leader” have launched! What’s your Joy Equation? Find out with Molly Hoyne’s Pay-What-You-Can-Afford Program!

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