Tuesday, July 28, 2020


GETTING TO KNOW FLEXCOACH JO MUIR FlexCareers is passionate about supporting our employer partners and our community to be the best that they can be.  We offer a range of training and coaching services in areas such as career transition and outplacement, parental leave, return to work, managing flexibility, interview skills, leadership and management, positive psychology, and diversity inclusion â€" to name a few. In this series, we introduce you to our panel of FlexCoaches, each who offer a complimentary 30-minute chemistry session to our community. 1. Jo, tell us about your career history? I have 15 years’ experience as a human resources specialist working in government, not-for-profit, small business and professional and financial services. 2.What was your motivation to become a coach? After having my second child, I navigated my own career transition to find work that was both flexible and rewarding and wanted to help other people to do the same. I undertook postgraduate study in Careers Education and Development and I now work with a range of clients at different stages of their careers including university students and recent graduates, parents re-entering the workforce, and adults navigating a career transition. 3.Do you have any particular areas of coaching expertise?   I specialise in working with clients to identify their skills, strengths and values, helping them to research and identify career opportunities, make decisions, and take action. I have extensive experience in resume building, writing cover letters and selection criteria, LinkedIn profile development, as well as preparing clients for behavioural interviews. I am passionate about supporting parents to return to work and assisting them to negotiate flexible work arrangements. As a mother to two young children, I understand first-hand the challenges associated with finding flexible work, returning to the workforce after maternity leave, and navigating a career change. 4.What do you love most about coaching?   I really enjoy getting to know my clients and helping them uncover their hidden skills, realise their full potential and get their confidence back. I love helping clients to create practical solutions to problems they are facing and watching someone have a ‘light-bulb’ moment when they rediscover something about themselves or see a plan of action start to unfold. 5.How do you define success? For me, success is about being able to identify your dreams and goals, putting a plan of action together to meet those goals and having the courage to pursue them. 6.What is your vision for women in the workplace? My vision for women in the workplace is one where flexibility is the norm and reward is based on outcomes, not just the number of hours you sit at a desk. I am passionate about workplace gender equality and believe that women should receive equal pay to their male counterparts and that increasing the number of women at management levels in organisations is paramount to achieving equality in the workplace. About Jo A professionally qualified Careers Consultant and Human Resources practitioner, Jos experience spans the not for profit, financial services, education, government and professional service sectors. She is passionate about assisting people to manage their careers and supporting organisations for positive growth. Her areas of expertise include career coaching,  Resume writing, Job search strategies, Redeployment Case Management and HR Consulting among others. FlexCareers offers a FREE 30-minute introductory meeting with our  FlexCoaches, to help you establish if coaching is right for you.  You can contact Jo through FlexCareers  here.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Out of office - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

Out of office - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog For the following week I will be out of office out of sight. Actually, Ill be climbing in Croatia. Be that as it may, while Im gone, heres a test for you: Whats the best Out of office answer youve ever observed? One that goes past just Im not accessible and will be back on xx/xx. One that is fun, innovative and extraordinary. Post it in a remark here. Best commitment before August 15 successes a duplicate of my book Happy Hour is 9 to 5. And keeping in mind that youre at it, possibly you can consider an increasingly fun and innovative Out of office mail for when you take some time off. A debt of gratitude is in order for visiting my blog. In case you're new here, you should look at this rundown of my 10 most famous articles. Also, in the event that you need progressively extraordinary tips and thoughts you should look at our bulletin about bliss at work. It's incredible and it's free :- )Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Top 5 tips for your resume - Hallie Crawford

Top 5 hints for your resume Is it accurate to say that you are lost and uncertain about your resume or introductory letter? Here are 5 things to remember when composing your resume: 1. Keep it short Keep it at two pages or less. The vast majority recruiting incline toward one page, however two pages is alright if the substance is fitting. For instance, somebody who has had a more drawn out vocation. 2. First Person Implied generally speaking, your resume ought to be written in first individual suggested. No, you dont need to write in real first individual. Make certain to expel words, for example, 'I' and 'my'. 3. Triple Check Mistakes in your resume can cost you a meeting. Triple check everything, for example, sentence structure, organizing and spelling. Make certain to ask a companion or two audit it for some valuable analysis. 4. Arrive at the point! Managers measurably go through just 10-20 seconds inspecting a resume. So keep it immediate and basic. 5. Introductory Letter ALWAYS incorporate an introductory letter with your resume (except if its predefined not to). It exhibits relational abilities, shows you are intrigued and allows you to feature what you need them notice. In the event that you'd like more assistance with your resume, get in touch with us today for a complimentary meeting. Profession Coach P.S. How would you know whether your resume is good? Take this Resume Quiz to discover how to keep your resume out of the rubbish can.

Monday, July 6, 2020

3 Tips to Preserve Your Sanity During a Holiday Job Search

3 Tips to Preserve Your Sanity During a Holiday Job Search 3 Tips to Preserve Your Sanity During a Holiday Job Search Albeit numerous individuals enjoy a reprieve from their employment inquiries during the Christmas season, organizations keep on recruiting new workers all year. Basically Hired's October 2015 information reports 4.5 million occupations accessible over the US. This speaks to an almost 11% expansion over the quantity of open situations in January 2015. In the event that you are thinking about a pursuit, this is a decent an ideal opportunity to toss your cap in the ring. January is commonly the month with the most elevated flood in pursuits of employment, and getting a bounce on the opposition is consistently a key move. While work looking during the special seasons is a fine technique, it might make a by and by and expertly confused time significantly increasingly frenzied. As the books close for the year, occasion get-togethers are going full speed ahead, and experts mean to send their vacation wishes to their customers and clients, there is a great deal to oversee as of now. Your point is yearning. Be that as it may, practicing cautious adherence to your limits, mindful arranging and great self-care can help make this absolutely possible. Consider these procedures to keep you normal while you search: Sincerely compartmentalize Shield yourself from turning out to be overpowered by guaranteeing that everything doesn't hit you without a moment's delay. At the point when you are busy working, disassociate from your pursuit of employment. You can consider that when you return home. At the point when you are work looking, don't stress over Christmas shopping. You can do that when you have completed your pursuit of employment obligations regarding the day. Unbendingly stick to your limits. Get things done in reduced down pieces, and be sensible about what you can achieve at a time. Make plans for the day Frenzy sets in when you stress that you are overlooking something, so for this situation make yourself a plan for the day, regardless of whether that is not for the most part your style. There are times when the volume and decent variety of obligations are immense enough that the best way to guarantee control is to discover a reason for activities. A daily agenda gives you an essential issue where you realize that you can generally go to ensure that you are on task. It gives you control when you have a ton of balls noticeable all around. Don't overbook yourself This Christmas season, allow yourself to practice additional self consideration. Perhaps that implies you don't heat many treats this year, or you ask your mate or accomplice to start to lead the pack on the seasonal shopping. Possibly this year you attempt a provided food occasion feast, or maybe you don't travel. Choose where you can rearrange your vacation intends to make this season increasingly reasonable. This year, you have to save your vitality for your pursuit of employment and the change that you have underway. Custom is a stunning thing, yet a few years self safeguarding is just progressively significant. So make that your need and your blessing to yourself this Christmas season. One year from now when you are cheerfully tucked away in your new position you can return to those customs that you love, and you will have the vitality to savor them without limit.