Saturday, December 28, 2019

Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon

Navy and seestreitkraft korporation Overseas Service RibbonNavy and Marine Corps Overseas Service RibbonDeploying overseas or outside of the continental United States (OCONUS) is part of the job in the Navy and Marine Corps. If you are permanently assigned to a duty station in a foreign country as a member of the Navy or Marine Corps team, you are eligible for the Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon. This is bedrngnis the same as deploying overseas on a ship. However, if your duty station is on board a ship that is permanently kusined in an overseas port, you will also be eligible for the Navy Sea Service Deployment Ribbon. The United States Department of the Defense and the Department of the Navy present military awards to members of the United States Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy. These kinds of military decorations can also be awarded to members of other military branches, so long as they are performing duty under Navy or Marine Corps command. The Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon is a small, 1?-inch-wide rectangular pin awarded by commanding officers. This ribbon has a thick, red stripe in the middle, moving outward in pairs of stripes yellow, ultramarine blue, yellow, and light blue. There are dozens of ribbons in this particular style, but the colors and widths of the stripes are what differentiate them. Some ribbons have just three stripes others have up to 15. United States military medals and ribbons must be worn properly on chests, lapels, and collars of clothing. Traditionally, the Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon is worn between the Army Service Ribbon and the Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon. A 3/16-inch bronze star will denote subsequent awards. Eligibility Requirements Authorized in 1986, the Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon is awarded to any member of the Navy or Marine Corps upon the completion of one year of consecutive or accu mulated duty at an overseas shore base duty station. For inactive members in the reserves, the award is authorized after 30 consecutive days or 45 collective days of overseas active duty for training, annual training, or temporary additional duty at overseas duty stations, deployed units, and units homeported overseas. Overseas, domiciled inactive reservists must complete 30 consecutive days of annual training or inactive duty training, or a combination of 45 accumulated days of annual training or inactive duty training in a billet with an Overseas Naval Reserve Unit or as a member of the Overseas Peacetime (Contributory) Support Program. Active duty constitutes a period of more than 90 days. The term overseas is defined as duty performed outside of the 50 United States. However, service in Adak, Alaska, qualifies military members for this award. Serving aboard CONUS-based, deploying ships, squadrons, units, or with the FMF (regular or reserve) does not qualify an individual for the award. Travel time and weekend training do not count toward eligibility. The Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon can be awarded posthumously, and the process is handled on a case-by-case basis.Additional service tours overseas are denoted by bronze stars for each individual overseas tour.A silver star is worn with the ribbon in lieu of five bronze stars. Former Restrictions Up until 1999, service members could not receive the Overseas Service Ribbon and the Sea Service Deployment Ribbon for the same amount of time. But after 1999,the Chief of Naval Operations allowed service members to receive both ribbons for the same tour of duty. Retroactive to 1974 The Navy and Marine Corps Overseas Service Ribbon was made retroactive to achter monat des jahres 15, 1974. Anyone in the Navy or Marine Corps who had qualifying service performed between August 15, 1974, and January 1, 1979, may be credited toward the initial award of the ribbon. Restrictions For active duty pe rsonnel, no more than 14 days may be waived. For inactive reservists, there is no waiver. Living overseas for a tour is what many people who join sign up for.World travel is one of the many perks of joining the military and depending on what branch of service you choose, you can live is some of the most beautiful and culturally diverse places in the world.Learning a foreign language, making new friends with the locals, and experiencing a different culture is a priceless experience that you get paid for when in the military.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Abstracts Now Being Accepted for New Joint Power Energy Event

Abstracts Now Being Accepted for New Joint Power Energy Event Abstracts Now Being Accepted for New Joint Power Energy Event Abstracts Now Being Accepted for New Joint Power & Energy EventNext summer, four of ASMEs major conferences come together in San Diego, Calif., to create an event of major impact for the Power and Energy sectors ASME Power Energy 2015. Organizers of the four conferences, which will address fossil and nuclear power generation, solar, wind, fuel cell applications and much more, are currently accepting abstracts for the event. The deadline for submissions is Nov. 3. ASME Power Energy 2015, to take place from June 28 to July 2 at the San Diego Convention Center, will encompass the following four meetings the ASME Power Conference, presenting state-of-the-art power engineering solutions in plant operations, maintenance and construction with cutting-edge technology the ASME Conference on Energy Sustainability, showcasing innovative technology and RD efforts tha t offer a path to renewable solutions the ASME Nuclear Forum, featuring the fruchtwein recent developments in the nuclear power industry and the ASME Fuel Cell Conference, offering the latest technology research and solutions for fuel cells. The unique event, which aims to bring together more than 1,000 experts from the energy community, will feature high-level, high-impact keynote sessions, 45 technical tracks consisting of more than 800 paper presentations, and up to 100 energy companies in the exhibition area, as well as workshops, student competitions, poster presentations, receptions, special demonstrations and countless networking opportunities for those who attend. To learn more about submitting an abstract, the areas to be covered by the programs various technical tracks, and additional information about the four conferences, visit http//, or contact Brandy Smith, program manager, at

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Thank You Cards, #8220;Holiday Trees#8221; and the Workplace

Thank You Cards, 8220Holiday Trees8221 and the Workplace Thank You Cards, 8220Holiday Trees8221 and the Workplace Showing AppreciationMaking an effort to ensure that those around you know that you value them, is very often forgotten about. Its so easy to start taking people for granted without even realizing youre doing it.A leading reason for dissatisfaction at work is lack of recognition. That is a shame for several reasons, but specifically because it is insanely easy to remedy and prevent. A lot of issues in the workplace can be complicated, or they might take ample resource to fix. This particular, all too common issue of lack of appreciation in the workplace is one that simply needs to be recognized and worked on.Here are a few easy ways to show appreciation at workHave a stack of Thank You cards on hand. Theres nothing like a hand written note to show someone that you valued their help or input.Tailor those holiday gifts to their passions. A generic gift card doesnt exactly show that much thought was given. What they say is actually true, Its the thought that counts.Food. Everyone likes food. Bring in some bagels, baked goods or spring for a few pizzas. Its such a simple way to put a smile on everyones face.Whatever effort you make toward showing your team appreciation, if its not genuine, it will fall flat. An iPad from a crappy co-worker is still just an iPad from a crappy co-worker.Time OffThere are about 173 valid reasons that workers will need time off this month. So whos going to man the ship? The issue of time off can turn into a resentful HR nightmare quite quickly.Take control of the situation with a few of these tipsRequest offs and a draft schedule should be completed way ahead of time to allow room for changes and compromises.There should be one way to turn in request offs. No sticky note/emaille/self-service portal jumbles. A defined process is best.Work it out together. Make some trades and compromise among yourselves.Mobile hot spots are great for getting work done on long trips. Time out of the office doesnt necessarily always mean time off. You never know who might actually want an excuse to turn down an invite to their cousins boyfriends white elephant gift party.Embracing DiversityPlease remember that Christians and atheists arent the only two groups of people in the office. Further than that, remember that religion isnt the only aspect of diversity that should be embraced during the holidays.Dont give non-religious folks or those without children the shaft when it comes to time off or flex time. They deserve the same allowances.Embrace diversity by learning about one anothers beliefs. Soliciting context about a workers beliefs and values (with boundaries, of course) can improve office cohesion.Allow for travel time. Not everyones family lives 10 miles away.Dont be the a-hole who insists on calling it a holiday tree. Be natural and genuine with your appreciation for diversity.Enjoy Your Time at WorkWhen we were children, this was the fruchtwein carefree, wonderful time of the year. Now that were adults in the workforce, this is the most stressful, hectic time of the year. Dont forget to stop and smell the poinsettias. As soon as you leave work, youre running around shopping, running errands and picking people up from the airport. It sounds crazy, but while youre at work, relax. Youre exactly where youre supposed to be. Have fun with your co-workers, and save the chaos for 5 oclock.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

5 Problems with The Ladders 6 Second Resume Study

5 Problems with The Ladders 6 Second Resume Study5 Problems with The Ladders 6 Second Resume Study5 Problems with The Ladders 6 Second Resume StudyI know youve heard this one before hiring managers only take an average of six seconds to glance over your resume before deciding to keep or trash it.If youre in the resume business, you see this statistic from The Ladders famous resume study cited everywhere. Youve probably even cited it a few times yourself. I know I have.Then it struck me. Has anyone even taken a close look at the studys methodology to see if it has scientific merit? I decided to examine their methodology in detail to see if the study could be improved, and if their conclusions were correct.The result? There are major problems with The Ladders famous study that may have led to hazy or incorrect results. Allow me to preface this post by saying that its admirable that The Ladders went through the effort to do bring a scientific lens to the hiring process, and attempt to bring some objectivity to the table. I think that is to be applauded and appreciated.However, it is also important not to accept the results of any study at face value. Conclusions should be peer-reviewed and tested to determine accuracy, and constructive criticism should be given to improve any studies performed in the future.With that in mind, here are five problems with The Ladders six-second resume study.1. The study provides too few important methodological detailsThis is a major issue throughout the study. Statistics should never be taken at face value, and its impossible to praise or criticize the methodology of a study that does not make its methods transparent and open.Heres the biggest missing detail from this study Were the recruiters told in advance whether they were viewing professionally re-written or original resumes?If they were told in advance, it would bias the results in favor of the professional re-written samples. This would be like judging brownies, and being t old in advance which ones were baked by Martha Stewart, and which ones were baked by a twelve-year old.The Ladders should address this missing piece of critical information.2. The study uses scales and statistics incorrectly, generating questionable resultsThe Ladders study used something called a Likert scale to help recruiters gauge the usability and organization of any given resume. Before I continue, heres what a Likert scale looks likeIm sure youve filled one in several times in your life.Using the Likert scale welches a good choice for this study. Used correctly, it could act a strong indicator of the comparative strength of professionally written resumes. Unfortunately, The Ladders study only gets it half right.What the study got rightRecruiters were asked to rate the usability and organization of resumes on numerical rating scale from 1-7 (instead of Agree-Disagree as shown in the Likert scale above). 1 represented a resume that welches the least usable/organized, with 7 bei ng the most usable/organized.Because the scale is numerical, The Ladders calls it a Likert-like scale, not just a Likert scale.Heres where the study gets a bit sloppy.What the study got wrongThe Ladders claims that professionally re-written resumes were given an average rating of 6.2 for usability versus 3.9 before the rewrite. They then calculate this as a 60% increase in usability.You cant do that with a Likert scale, (or a Likert-like scale).Consider it this way make a list of three movies, assigned values 1-3.Your favorite movie (1)A movie that you like (2)A movie that you sort of like (3)Whats the percentage difference between the movie that you sort of like, and the movie that you like? How about between the movie you like, and your favorite movie? Are the intervals between them even?I know for me, they arent. Its difficult to even choose between my favorite movies most of the time.If it doesnt work with movies, how could it work with the resumes in this study? Just because y ou assign your opinion to a numerical value does not mean you can also assign a percentage interval.Again, let me be clear the results stemming from the Likert-like scale probably reveal that professionally written resumes were better organized and mora usable than the originals, but that cannot be calculated into percentages. (At least with this kind of statistical test.)3. The study uses unclear language and words that are not definedLets take a look at the studys claims piece by pieceProfessionally prepared resumes also scored better in terms of organization and visual hierarchy, as measured by eye-tracking technology. The gaze trace of recruiters was erratic when they reviewed a poorly organized resume, and recruiters experienced high levels of cognitive load (total mental activity), which increased the level of effort to make a decision.First of all, its unclear what the study means by cognitive load/ total mental activity. Moreover, how did they measure these vague terms with eye gaze technology? Again, the lack of transparent methodology and clear definitions renders these terms impossible to make any comments about, and determine if the study is truly accurate.Secondly, how does one measure whether a gaze trace is erratic? The fact is that though there may be ways to measure this kind of thing statistically, its hard to know if their conclusion has any merit when they just summarize the math in their own words without showing us any of the computations.Thirdly, the Likert scale is misused once again in this section to create the illusion of a hard statisticProfessional resumes achieved a mean score of 5.6 on a seven-point Likert-like scale, compared with a 4.0 rating for resumes before the re-write a 40% increase.Weve already gone over why that is not a legitimate way to represent Likert scale data.4. Industry HR Experts Dont AgreeWe interviewed seasoned human resources experts about resume screening, about how long they spend on a resume on average, and what they think of the 6-second rule. Here are a few of the responsesMatt Lanier, Recruiter,Eliassen GroupI always go back and forth on the whole 6 seconds theory. I cant really put an average time for how long I look at each one for me, it really depends on how a resume is constructed. When I open up a nice, neat resume (clear headers, line separations, clearly in chronological order, etc.) I am mora likely to go through each section of the resume. Even if the experience is not that great, having a resume that looks professional and reads well will cause me to spend mora time examining it.Kim Kaupe, Co-Founder,ZinePakOnce I narrow downcandidates from the cover letter filter I will spend 10-15 minutesreviewing individual resumes.Glen Loveland, HR Manager,CCTVThe 6 second rule? It varies company to company. Heres what Ill say. Recruiters will spend less time reading a rsum for an entry or junior level role. Positions that are more senior will be reviewed quite carefully by HR be fore they pass them on to the hiring manager.Heather Neisen, HR Manager,Technology AdviceInitially, an average resume takes 2-3 minutes for me to scan.Sarah Benz, Lead Recruiter,Messina Groupthe average time spent on the initial resume review is 15 seconds. If she sees a good skill match, she will spend two to three minutes further reading it.Josh Goldstein, Co-Founder,Underdog.ioWe spend, on average, 236 per application. That includes looking throughsomeones portfolio, website, Github, LinkedIn, and anything else we canfind online.Michelle Burke, Marketing Supervisor,WyckWyreOur hiring managers honestly spend time looking through resumes. They valueevery application that comes in and want to hire as many people as neededrather than screen through applications and end up with no one.5. The study makes conjectures without data to back it upThe study needs to be more careful about making conjecture and speculation, or give better reasoning to support its claims.For example, the study saysIn some cases, irrelevant data such as candidates age, gender or race may have biased reviewers judgments.While the above is not necessarily an incorrect hypothesis, its pointless to include in this study unless The Ladders can prove it with actual data. If they are speculating, they need to be clear about that, or else be clear about the bits of data that substantiate their claims.Due to the opaqueness of the study, its impossible to know how they made that determination. Here are two other areas where critical information is missingWe dont know why The Ladders chose a sample of 30 peopleHeres why this is important In general, ordinal data (IE. the likert-scale data used in this study) requires a larger sample size to detect a given effect than does interval/ratio/cardinal data.So, is 30 people enough for this study? If The Ladders did not set a clear rule for how large a sample they were going to recruit, they could theoretically continue to choose as many or as few people as necessary to come up with a result that that they wanted.Again, Im not accusing The Ladders of doing this, but just giving another example for why study methodology should be transparent and open results carry less meaning unless they can be examined.Another problemWe dont know if the differences were statistically different from zeroThis is a bit more difficult to understand, but essentially this means we cant tell if their results were just from sheer randomness or a real underlying difference.To determine whether the results were sheer randomness or actually reveal differences, the study needs to report zscores ortscores, Pearsonsrs or Kendalls taus, etc. These values are the statisticians tools for making an inference about whether observed differences reflect some real, underlying difference, or whether theyre likely to have resulted from just random noise.The study reveals no such information.6. Study doesnt answer The Big Question Does any of this even matter?Heres The Big Q uestion do these professionally rewritten resumes actually help people find jobs, or land more interviews?While its interesting to find out if professionally written resume get better ratings for usability and more orderly eye gaze, the important question is whether people are getting interviews and jobs because of these resume qualities.The most meaningful statistic would be to figure out how large an improvement in orderliness of gaze and resume ratings is required to move a resume from no interview/not hired to interview/hired. (Granted, this question would be a complex problem to figure out, and impacted by a large number of variables.)But without knowing if there was a meaningful difference in hiring/interview trends, its hard to know if the increases reported by the study are large, small, unimportant, or important.Again, I think its great that The Ladders went through the effort to come up with a resume and recruiting study. However, we should be careful to remember that bul letproof studies can be hard to design, and statistics can be unintentionally misleading, and frequently tricky to interpret.Hopefully, this analysis can serve a jumping-off point for a new and improved study that may reveal some surprising information about how recruiters tend to behave, and how to help people find jobs more efficiently.We reached out to The Ladders for a comment on this article and a request for their in depth methodology for further review, and have not yet received a response.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Volunteer Resume - the Story

Volunteer Resume - the Story Some men and women meet their community service requirements by spending a couple of hours or a day or two volunteering with lots of distinct places. When you are worried about people, it shouldnt matter where they came from. Some people do volunteer work to build on their present experience and knowledge and a number of folks participate in volunteer work simply because they have spare moment. They choose to volunteer for a variety of reasons. Many job seekers also produce the error of thinking volunteer work on a resume isnt important. For individuals that are arranging a career change, the resume objective gives the platform to talk about your story with the corporation. There are a couple of diverse places where you could incorporate volunteer experience on your resume the placement will truly depend on just what the remainder of your professional experience appears like and your present job targets. Judging from its variety, resumes are brok en up into several kinds. Just take the skills which you have, and show how they translate into success where you opt to apply them. Also, make certain to incorporate any class or training program youve completed that might help enhance your career like a child psychology class or any computer training. If youve got little if any work experience, you may consider leading off with your education, especially if its pertinent to the position youre applying to. Possessing the perfect skills is wonderful. Students can learn as much beyond the classroom since they do within the classroom, says Donovan. Volunteers contribute at each phase of the program, from meal preparation to meal shipping. Ideally, they will be available for a extremum of 24 hours per week for a minimum of three months timing is flexible. Volunteers that arent immune will be liable for obtaining the vital vaccinations before start date. A resume summary might be more powerful than a resume objective. As a co nsequence, the resume may be put under file. Formatting a campaign resume can be difficult. Putting forth ample effort in your job application will make sure that you make a position at which you can genuinely earn a difference. Youll appear interested in the businesss mission and receive a leg up on other applicants. If you are able to, request information about how your work has helped the agency and in case you have permission to utilize it like an instance of your success. Apart from your community work, youre able to also incorporate a list of coursework pertinent to the teaching position you would like to apply to. Characteristics of Volunteer Resume Volunteer work doesnt always need to be job related. To find out more on what it requires to be a Volunteer, take a look at our complete Volunteer Job Description. Volunteers perform plenty of distinct activities, based on the sort of organization for which theyre volunteering. They provide support to Habitat ReStores in a wide variety of ways. Primarily if you would like to acquire work. Especially if youd like to get work. The jobs cover a vast range of services. Attempt not to be discouraged if you neglect to land the very first job you apply for. Finding the inside scoop about what its like to work for a specific company, or inside a specific role, before you opt to apply to or accept a position, will make your work search more efficient and potent. An excellent volunteer position is something that you will have to fight for. For instance, locating a virtual volunteering job will make it possible for you to work from your house office, instead of heading into an office each day. Children as young as six are in a position to take part in the undertaking. Folks want to know more about volunteer positions for assorted factors. Volunteering for the society is most likely the most satisfying job someone might have. There are a lot of ways to volunteer with Habitat. There are several ways to volunteer at Habitat ReStore.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Top Why Is Resume Writing so Scary ? Guide!

Top Why Is Resume Writing so Scary ? Guide How to Choose Why Is Resume Writing so Scary ? Confidence At the conclusion of your consultation, you ought to be confident in the capability of the certified resume writer whos working on your document. Resume writing objective is a significant portion of the resume, without it resume wont leave its effects on the recruiter. Keep the focus on what you wish to be hired for. Hone in on the specific abilities and go through the provider is searching for. The Ultimate Why Is Resume Writing so Scary ? Trick At the center of every scary story is an excellent monster. The absolute most important thing to acquire an opportunity of being bewerbungsbewerbungsgesprch by your possible employer to acquire your fantasy job is to compose an effective and right to the point resume. You may start to look for something different. For a number of us, however, the most important reason we find it so challenging to write about ourselves is as its so , so simple to procrastinate. Rumors, Deception and Why Is Resume Writing so Scary ? In addition to that, you frequently have a selection of whether you would like to go full-time, part-time, or only have a class or two per semester. It might be tough to find good resume format for freshers. What Why Is Resume Writing so Scary ? Is - and What it Is Not A well written resume should produce the interview simpler. The interview if you discover yourself interviewing with more than two or three companies and not receiving offers, its time to receive interview coaching. Resume writing is an intimidating endeavor for everybody. Writing such things isnt professional. Making your resume for the very first time may be a worrisome undertaking for everyone, but believe it or not, resume writing is not quite as difficult as its made out to be. The action of writing a resume brings out a great deal of anxiety, and if youre not careful, it will end up around the webpage. While its sti ll fresh in your mind, its simple to miss errors. A long winded resume objective will create the reader to drop interest in it immediately. There are plenty of statements one can utilize to make an effective resume. Trying to find a new job may be a scary approach. The work search process can be simplified into three primary locations. The majority of when you submit a resume for a job that you hear nothing. If one has a nice job, they do whatever is in their ability to prove they deserve it, making sure they prove themselves valuable. There are lots of Professionals who guide you and help you with CV writing tips. Capstone Resume Services is here to assist Listing skills for which you have zero proficiency is another frequent lie. Strategies for Writing a Resume for the First Time There are lots of websites out there that are going to provide you resume writing tips and pointers about how to draft a resume.